In South Africa, homeowners are beginning to explore more efficient home heating solutions, with water-based central heating systems being one of the most promising alternatives. Commonly used across Europe, this system offers not only a more consistent and comfortable heat but also long-term savings. So, why hasn't it caught on here yet?

The main reason is the initial cost. While water-based central heating systems are cheaper to run, their installation can be quite expensive, sometimes adding 30% more to a home’s construction costs. Yet, the energy savings over time are significant, making it an ideal investment for the long-term planner. Many homeowners, however, are hesitant to make this upfront commitment.

There are additional options to consider for sustainable heating, like geothermal systems. These systems harness natural heat from deep underground to provide a consistent and eco-friendly heat source. However, installing geothermal heating requires drilling deep beneath the property, which can add more complexity to the build.

If you're thinking of renovating, keep in mind that retrofitting these systems after construction is complicated and costly. Factors like existing door frames, floor levels, and overall design must be considered, as altering them post-construction often proves to be difficult.

While traditional underfloor heating remains a popular choice, its electricity costs can add up quickly. Opting for water-based or geothermal solutions from the start can help homeowners avoid expensive energy bills down the road.